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Fur Fiddle Activity Muff
furry fiddle twiddle hand muffs for alzheimers, autism and dementia pet therapy
Full of gadgets to fiddle and twiddle!
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Fidget Muffs make great gifts - and great companions!
Price: $59.95

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Product Code: MC-0216

Description Product Features & Specs What We Love About This Product

Fiddle Hand Muff for Dementia & Autism

A furry friend for anyone who has busy hands!

Our Fur Fiddle Muff was designed specially for those with Alzheimer's, Dementia and Autism. The realistic fur can be pet and stroked, the interior lining is soft and plush, gadgets include a Velcro collar, fiddle beads, an ID tag that can include the given pet's name and/or the recipient's name, a zippered pocket for personal items or tissues, silky crinkle ears, faux leather tail strips and a tethered squeeze ball.

Sensory stimulation has been shown to not only bring enjoyment and fun to people living with Dementia and Autism but also to fight anxiety and depression while increasing social interaction. Sensory stimulation can also help people stay independent for longer, promote understanding and a sense of belonging as well as help people express how they are feeling.

All gadgets can be removed for cleaning -or- if they are not appropriate for the recipient.

Made of high-quality and durable materials that are a fun blend between a lap dog -or- cat and a warm fur muff that keeps hands warm. Let your loved one discover, name and give their new Fur Fiddle its personality!

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Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

5 of 5 Cute March 15, 2021
Reviewer: Eddie from ME  
Mom loves her new pet. It's very soft and has nice trinkets for her to fiddle with. Nice quality too.